TransPhotoLinnade elektritransport

Veeremi nimekiri

Rumeenia, ITB EP/V3A motor car

Otstarve:  kõik sõidukid  ·  liinisõidukid  ·  tehnilised sõidukid  ·  muuseumsõidukid

Valminud Alates Kuni Util. Linn Depoo/park Märkus
6048 1999 Bukarest Victoria ≈ 1999 to Secție Linii, B 06754
6089 Bukarest Victoria ???? to Colentina
6004 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6005 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6006 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6008 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6009 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6011 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6012 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6013 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6014 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6015 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6016 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6017 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6018 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6019 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6020 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6022 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6023 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6024 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6025 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6027 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6028 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6029 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6030 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6031 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6032 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6033 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6034 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6035 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6036 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6039 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6043 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6045 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6051 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6052 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6057 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6058 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6059 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6060 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6062 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6064 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6070 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6071 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6072 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6074 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6075 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6084 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6087 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6093 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6100 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6101 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6103 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6108 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6109 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6113 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6114 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6117 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6119 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6121 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6124 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6126 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6127 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6128 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6129 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6131 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6137 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6138 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6141 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6145 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6146 Bukarest Alexandria
6147 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6149 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6151 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6153 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6154 Bukarest Alexandria
6156 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6157 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6161 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6162 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6165 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6166 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6167 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6168 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6371 1988 1989 Bukarest Bucureştii-Noi До 1988 — ????
6001 1976 Bukarest (unknown) 2017 to Dudeşti, B 11336
6037 1978 2009 Bukarest Titan
6026 1978 1978 1999 Bukarest (unknown) 1999 to Timișoara, ITB EP V54 # 229 / TM 00960
6096 1979 Bukarest Alexandria 1995 to Militari, B 06695
6061 1979 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6067 1979 1979 2008 Bukarest Militari
6080 1980 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6090 1980 1980 ???? Bukarest Dudeşti ???? to B 06683
6069 1981 Bukarest Victoria ???? to Colentina, B 06696
6116 1981 Bukarest Alexandria
6123 1981 Bukarest Alexandria
6125 1981 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6044 1981 Bukarest Bucureştii-Noi
6063 1981 Bukarest Bucureştii-Noi
6098 1981 Bukarest Bucureştii-Noi
6099 1981 Bukarest Bucureştii-Noi
6139 1981 Bukarest Bucureştii-Noi
6155 1981 1999 Bukarest Bucureştii-Noi
6133 1981 1981 ???? Bukarest Bucureştii-Noi ???? to B 06679
6047 1981 1981 ???? Bukarest Alexandria ???? to Victoria, B 06693
6095 1981 1981 Bukarest Bucureştii-Noi
6160 1981 1981 2000 Bukarest Bucureştii-Noi
6169 1982 1982 1995 Bukarest Alexandria
6170 1982 1982 1999 Bukarest Alexandria
6172 1982 1982 2000 2000 Bukarest Bucureştii-Noi

Sissekandeid näidatud: 110

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Näidata nimekirjas:  Tehase number  ·  VIN  ·  Šassii number