TransphotoSähköinen kaupunkiliikenne


Knoxville, raitiotie

Käyttötarkoitus:  mikä tahansa  ·  matkustaja  ·  työ / rahti  ·  museo

# Malli Valmistettu Liikennöitsijä/varikko Huom.
30 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1907 Knoxville TL
31 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1907 Knoxville TL
32 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1907 Knoxville TL
33 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1907 Knoxville TL
34 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1907 Knoxville TL
35 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1907 Knoxville TL
36 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1907 Knoxville TL
37 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1907 Knoxville TL
38 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1907 Knoxville TL
39 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1907 Knoxville TL
351 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 Knoxville TL
352 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 Knoxville TL
353 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 Knoxville TL
354 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 Knoxville TL
355 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 Knoxville TL
356 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 Knoxville TL
357 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 Knoxville TL
361 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1928 Knoxville TL
362 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1928 Knoxville TL
363 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1928 Knoxville TL
364 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1928 Knoxville TL
365 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1928 Knoxville TL
366 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1928 Knoxville TL
367 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1928 Knoxville TL
368 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1928 Knoxville TL
369 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1928 Knoxville TL
370 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1928 Knoxville TL
371 Perley Thomas 4-axle motor car 1930 Knoxville TL
372 Perley Thomas 4-axle motor car 1930 Knoxville TL
373 Perley Thomas 4-axle motor car 1930 Knoxville TL
374 Perley Thomas 4-axle motor car 1930 Knoxville TL
375 Perley Thomas 4-axle motor car 1930 Knoxville TL
376 Perley Thomas 4-axle motor car 1930 Knoxville TL 03.1948 to Waterloo, 382
377 Perley Thomas 4-axle motor car 1930 Knoxville TL
378 Perley Thomas 4-axle motor car 1930 Knoxville TL
379 Perley Thomas 4-axle motor car 1930 Knoxville TL 03.1948 to Waterloo, 381; 1971 to Mt. Pleasant, 381
380 Perley Thomas 4-axle motor car 1930 Knoxville TL 03.1948 to Waterloo, 380
401 Cincinnati 2-axle motor car 1924 Knoxville TL
402 Cincinnati 2-axle motor car 1924 Knoxville TL
403 Cincinnati 2-axle motor car 1924 Knoxville TL
404 Cincinnati 2-axle motor car 1924 Knoxville TL
405 Cincinnati 2-axle motor car 1924 Knoxville TL
406 Cincinnati 2-axle motor car 1924 Knoxville TL
407 Cincinnati 2-axle motor car 1924 Knoxville TL
408 Cincinnati 2-axle motor car 1925 Knoxville TL
409 Cincinnati 2-axle motor car 1925 Knoxville TL
410 Cincinnati 2-axle motor car 1925 Knoxville TL 1992 to Kennebunkport, 410
411 Cincinnati 2-axle motor car 1925 Knoxville TL
412 Cincinnati 2-axle motor car 1925 Knoxville TL
413 Cincinnati 2-axle motor car 1925 Knoxville TL
414 Cincinnati 2-axle motor car 1925 Knoxville TL
415 Cincinnati 2-axle motor car 1925 Knoxville TL
416 Cincinnati 2-axle motor car 1925 Knoxville TL Displayed at East Tennessee History Center (Knoxville, Tennessee)
417 Cincinnati 2-axle motor car 1925 Knoxville TL
418 Cincinnati 2-axle motor car 1925 Knoxville TL
419 Cincinnati 2-axle motor car 1925 Knoxville TL 1992 to Union, 419
420 Cincinnati 2-axle motor car 1925 Knoxville TL
421 Cincinnati 2-axle motor car 1925 Knoxville TL
422 Cincinnati 2-axle motor car 1925 Knoxville TL
423 Cincinnati 2-axle motor car 1925 Knoxville TL

Näytetyt tietueet: 60 / 60


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