TransPhotoMiejski Transport Elektryczny

Lista pojazdów

Quebec City, tramwaj

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Nr Model Wypr. Od... Do... Zezłom. Zajezdnia Notatka
86 Birney 08.1919 Levis Tramways 02/1921 destroyed in carhouse fire
90 Birney 11.1919 Levis Tramways 02/1921 destroyed in carhouse fire
91 Birney 11.1919 Levis Tramways 02/1921 destroyed in carhouse fire
92 Birney 11.1919 Levis Tramways 02/1921 destroyed in carhouse fire
93 Birney 11.1919 Levis Tramways 02/1921 destroyed in carhouse fire
94 Birney 11.1919 Levis Tramways 02/1921 destroyed in carhouse fire
95 Birney 11.1919 Levis Tramways 02/1921 destroyed in carhouse fire
96 Birney 11.1919 Levis Tramways 02/1921 destroyed in carhouse fire
103 Birney 1921 1941 Levis Tramways 1930 ex Wisconsin Public Service. 1941 ex Cornwall, 23
102 Birney 1921 1941 Levis Tramways 1934 ex Eastern Pennsylvania Railways. 1941 ex Cornwall, 14
515 Brill 4-axle motor car 1908 1942 QRL&PCo 1942 ex TARS, New York City, 800 series
516 Brill 4-axle motor car 1908 1942 QRL&PCo 1942 ex TARS, New York City, 800 series
517 Brill 4-axle motor car 1908 1942 QRL&PCo 1942 ex TARS, New York City, 800 series
518 Brill 4-axle motor car 1908 1942 QRL&PCo 1942 ex TARS, New York City, 800 series
519 Brill 4-axle motor car 1908 1942 QRL&PCo 1942 ex TARS, New York City, 800 series
520 Brill 4-axle motor car 1908 1942 QRL&PCo 1942 ex TARS, New York City, 800 series
521 Brill 4-axle motor car 1908 1942 QRL&PCo 1942 ex TARS, New York City, 800 series
680 MSR 4-axle motor car 1901 08.1922 1931 QRL&PCo 8/1922 ex Montreal, 651 class
681 MSR 4-axle motor car 1901 08.1922 1930 QRL&PCo 8/1922 ex Montreal, 651 class
682 MSR 4-axle motor car 1901 08.1922 1931 QRL&PCo 8/1922 ex Montreal, 651 class
683 MSR 4-axle motor car 1901 08.1922 1931 QRL&PCo 8/1922 ex Montreal, 651 class
684 MSR 4-axle motor car 1901 08.1922 1931 QRL&PCo 8/1922 ex Montreal, 651 class
685 MSR 4-axle motor car 1901 08.1922 1931 QRL&PCo 8/1922 ex Montreal, 651 class
686 MSR 4-axle motor car 1901 08.1922 1930 QRL&PCo 8/1922 ex Montreal, 651 class
687 MSR 4-axle motor car 1901 08.1922 1931 QRL&PCo 8/1922 ex Montreal, 651 class
688 MSR 4-axle motor car 1901 08.1922 1931 QRL&PCo 8/1922 ex Montreal, 651 class
689 MSR 4-axle motor car 1901 08.1922 1930 QRL&PCo 8/1922 ex Montreal, 651 class
85 Birney 08.1919 Levis Tramways
86 Birney 1922 Levis Tramways
87 Birney 08.1919 Levis Tramways
88 Birney 08.1919 Levis Tramways
89 Birney 11.1919 Levis Tramways
90 Birney 1922 Levis Tramways
90 Birney 1919 10.1923 QRL&PCo 10.1923 ex Eastern Massachusetts, 5110
91 Birney 1922 Levis Tramways
91 Birney 1919 10.1923 QRL&PCo 10.1923 ex Eastern Massachusetts, 5136
92 Birney 1922 Levis Tramways
92 Birney 1919 10.1923 QRL&PCo 10.1923 ex Eastern Massachusetts, 5137
93 Birney 1922 Levis Tramways
93 Birney 1919 10.1923 QRL&PCo 10.1923 ex Eastern Massachusetts, 5161
94 Birney 1922 Levis Tramways
94 Birney 1919 10.1923 QRL&PCo 10.1923 ex Eastern Massachusetts, 5164
95 Birney 1922 Levis Tramways
95 Birney 1919 10.1923 QRL&PCo 10.1923 ex Eastern Massachusetts, 5165
96 Birney 1922 Levis Tramways
96 Birney 1919 10.1923 QRL&PCo 10.1923 ex Eastern Massachusetts, 5166
97 Birney 1919 10.1923 QRL&PCo 10.1923 ex Eastern Massachusetts, 5167
97 Birney 1919 1928 Levis Tramways 1928 ex Trenton, 101
98 Birney 1919 10.1923 QRL&PCo 10.1923 ex Eastern Massachusetts, 5177
98 Birney 1919 1928 Levis Tramways 1928 ex Trenton, 102
99 Birney 1919 10.1923 QRL&PCo 10.1923 ex Eastern Massachusetts, 5185
99 Birney 1919 1928 Levis Tramways 1928 ex Trenton, 110
100 Birney 1920 1925 QRL&PCo 1925 ex Eastern Massachusetts, 5219
100 Birney 1920 1941 Levis Tramways 1941 ex QRL&PCo, 101; 1925 ex Eastern Massachusetts, 5221
101 Birney 1920 1925 QRL&PCo 1925 ex Eastern Massachusetts, 5221. 1941 to Levis Tramways, 100
101 Birney 1921 1941 Levis Tramways 1941 ex Cornwall, 21; 1929 ex Uniontown, 103
204 Birney 1921 1945 Levis Tramways 1945 ex Montreal, 204; 1923 ex Detroit, 218
214 Birney 1921 1945 Levis Tramways 1945 ex Montreal, 214; 1923 ex Detroit, 203
224 Birney 1921 1945 Levis Tramways 1945 ex Montreal, 224; 1923 ex Detroit, 219
450 Ottawa interurban motor car 1930 1959 QRL&PCo
451 Ottawa interurban motor car 1930 1959 QRL&PCo
452 Ottawa interurban motor car 1930 1959 QRL&PCo
453 Ottawa interurban motor car 1930 1959 QRL&PCo
454 Ottawa interurban motor car 1930 1959 QRL&PCo 1961 to Kennebunkport, 454
455 Ottawa interurban motor car 1930 1959 QRL&PCo

Pokazano zapisów: 65 z 65

Oznakowania kolorowe

W bieżącej eksploatacji
Nie jeździł na linii
Abandoned / Dead storage
Los i miejsce pobytu nie jest znane
Remont kapitalny lub modernizacja (zmiana modelu)
Przenumerowany lub sprzedany w ramach sieci
Odesłany do drugiego miasta
Zmiana numeru rejestracyjnego w ramach zakładu


Wszystko w jednej tabeli  ·  Skasowane i sprzedane osobne  ·  Początkowo tylko działające
Abandoned up  ·  Abandoned down
Bez zdjęć  ·  Pokaż zdjęcia
Rozdysponowanie szczególne  ·  Rozdysponowanie krótko
wł. podmodele  ·  bez podmodeli
Pokaż modeli podwozia  ·  Ukryj modeli podwozia

Pokaż w spisu:  Numer fabryczny  ·  VIN  ·  Nr podwozia