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Trondheim, LHB GT6 Typ Braunschweig — 95; Trondheim — Tramway Lines and Infrastructure
  TrondheimLHB GT6 Typ Braunschweig — 95  —  Viszonylat 1
Tramway Lines and Infrastructure
The beginning of the suburban segment of the Gråkallbanen Line at the Bergsligate Stop, and a merge of two tracks into a single track.
• • •
Начало пригородного участка линии Gråkallbanen у остановки "Bergsligate", и схождение двупутки в однопутку.

Photo: Stefan Mashkevich

Feltöltötte Ymtram · East Haven - Branford           Dátum: 29 november 2003 ., szombat

Mutasd a készítés helyét a térképen


Publikálva 10.03.2019 18:56 MSK
Megtekintések — 358

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Trondheim, LHB GT6 Typ Braunschweig — 95

Kocsiszín/üzem:Boreal Norge
típus:LHB GT6 Typ Braunschweig
Gyártási év:1984
Gyári szám:5
Aktuális állapot:Forgalomban
Forgalomban:≥ 04.1997
Megjegyzés:01.01.1994 ex TS, 5
June 12, 1988: Tram operations of Trondheim Sporvei were stopped
January 1, 1994: Beginn of a long-term lease agreement which also includes cars 4, 5, 7 and 10.
April 1997: After the accident of tramscars # 91 and # 98 on April 8, 1997, tramcars # 95 and # 100 were transferred from the depot in Voldsminde to Munkvoll to make them ready to drive.


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