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Ханчжоу, YoungMan JNP-WG120G № 6-5931
  ХанчжоуYoungMan JNP-WG120G № 6-5931  —  маршрут K155
莫干山路 (Moganshan Road) / 登云路 (Dengyun Road)
The trolleybus in Hangzhou isn't operating well: route K155 has a few runs using electric buses, and a significant portion of the trolleybus fleet has been out of service for years or were withdrawn after 5 or less years of use.

Oddly, after arriving at this terminus, drivers don't set their bars, not even to temporarily charge. Perhaps there is some reason to explain this that I am not aware of.

Автор: jiachen · Сидней           Дата: 24 января 2023 г., вторник

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Лицензия: BY-SA
Опубликовано 26.01.2023 20:00 MSK
Просмотров — 219

Подробная информация


Ханчжоу, YoungMan JNP-WG120G № 6-5931

Депо/Парк:Hangzhou Public Transport Company - Trolleybus Division
Госномер:浙A 4H319
Модель:YoungMan JNP-WG120G
Текущее состояние:Эксплуатируется

• Beijing Pulaide 79.29 kWh batteries (as installed)
• SONGZ air-conditioner

Параметры съёмки

Модель камеры:NEX-5N
Время съёмки:24.01.2023 16:51
Выдержка:1/400 с
Диафрагменное число:5.6
Чувствительность ISO:640
Фокусное расстояние:55 мм
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Комментарии · 2

28.01.2023 23:47 MSK
Jacek_Pudlo · Люблин
Фото: 289
Why were they withdrawn after only 5 years?
+0 / –0
29.01.2023 11:35 MSK
jiachen · Сидней
Фото: 418 · Перевод сайта (CN)
Two separate sources explain the situation for the 2 different models;

for the Youngman trolleybuses, the 2012 and some of the 2013 batch were set aside in 2017 when the trolleybus network was reduced as a result of metro construction. However, when set aside, mandatory yearly checks were not performed and after missing 3 checks in a row, they were withdrawn.

The others, Yutong trolleybuses, were apparently bought in a contract with an extremely low price - perhaps up to 1/2 the expected price of such a trolleybus. Consequently, their quality was quite bad.
+0 / –0

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