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Чхонджин — Новые электромобили от завода "Ch'ŏngjinpŏsŭgongjang" (Chipsam); Чхонджин — Фотографии трамваев
Ch'ŏngjinpŏsŭgongjang factory
Chongjin Bus Factory was in fact the first factory to produce trams in the DPRK, followed by Kim Jong Thae Locomotive Factory with the Pulgungi-2.16

This tram has some differences to the final production design.

Source: Minju Choson 1990/07/26

Надіслав jiachen · Сідней           Дата: 26 липня 1990 р., четвер


Опубліковано 23.07.2023 19:08 MSK
Переглядів — 516

Детальна інформація

Коментарі · 2

23.07.2023 22:51 MSK
Антон З. · Мінськ
Немає фотографій
Excuse me, but how can the publication in the newspaper be dated 1990, if the tram in Chongjin was opened in 1999?
+0 / –0
23.07.2023 23:21 MSK
D.Möschke · Плауен
Фото: 5989
Zitat (Антон З., 23.07.2023):
> Excuse me, but how can the publication in the newspaper be dated 1990, if the tram in Chongjin was opened in 1999?

Thats not a mistake! The production of trams in Ch'ŏngjinpŏsŭ-factory begann very early in different steps, because the planning of tramsystem also in Ch'ŏngjin are start some years earlier. This design was the first prototype, second more were produced in later years. Also the "serial trams" for Ch'ŏngjin were produced before 1999. Some rarely pictures are exist in DPRK-offices, how you can see the produced trams on an area near factory on temporary tracks. They stood there for a long time until they could be placed on the finished tramsystem that was built later and opened in 1999.
+3 / –0

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