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Lyon, VETRA VBBh/TEB3 № 229
  Lyon VETRA VBBh/TEB3 № 229  —  Marsruut 13
Cours De Verdun Perrache

Autor: Tatralover           Kuupäev: August 1966 a.

Näita võtte asukohta kaardil


Litsents: Copyright ©
Avaldatud 20.09.2023 17:20 MSK
Vaatamisi — 257

Detailne info

Lyon, VETRA VBBh/TEB3 № 229

Depoo/park:Transports en Commun Lyonnais
Hetkeseis:Maha kantud

Kommentaarid · 3

20.09.2023 17:49 MSK
Евгений Барцио · Minneapolis–St. Paul
Fotosid: 592
На фото видно собственно бывшую троллейусную конечную, за ней виднеется Château Perrache. В целом место называется Cours De Verdun Perrache. Наверное, так и стоит подписать, поскольку сейчас оно изменилось до неузнаваемости.
Aitäh! Kommentaar arvestatud
+4 / –0
20.09.2023 18:02 MSK
Евгений Барцио · Minneapolis–St. Paul
Fotosid: 592
M. Vaudois, merci beaucoup pour cette photo ! Êtes-vous d'accord qu'elle a été prise sur le Cours De Verdun Perrache ?
+0 / –0
20.09.2023 18:35 MSK
focus1965 · Antwerpen
Fotosid: 7697 · Üldtoimetaja / Saidi tõlkimine (EN/FR)
The photos were posted by me, in the name and request of the author (Tatralover).
The collection is large and interesting, but in these years there was no computer, let alone the internet.
Unfortunately, the notes are quite minimal and then only limited to the date. In this case, it's the year that the author completed his military service.
The author visited this city only as a visitor. When he remembers the exact street names (or just knows them), this is also mentioned. Here I took it from the first comment: it seems plausible.
+3 / –0


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