
Photos are published as is and do not have purpose to promote any political and/or ideological position.

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Miami, FL, Hitachi Rail nr. 344
  Miami, FLHitachi Rail nr. 344 
Miami International Airport Station
This photograph shows car 344 approaching Track 1 at the lead of a consist operating a special shuttle service from Earlington Heights station on the Orange/Green Main Line. A shuttle was operated during the Covid pandemic, at the time of this photograph, when a limited service was operated.

Autorul: PeluconDFW · Dallas           Dată: 1 May 2021 yr., Saturday

Afișează locație de fotografiere pe hartă


License: BY
Publicat 05.10.2023 21:36 MSK
Vizualizări — 142

Informație detaliată


Miami, FL, Hitachi Rail nr. 344

Model:Hitachi Rail
Starea actuală:In operation
Funcție:Passenger vehicle

Camera Settings

Model:Canon EOS REBEL T5
Date and Time:01.05.2021 12:41
Exposure Time:1/200 sec
Aperture Value:10
ISO Speed:100
Focal Length:50 mm
Show all EXIF tags


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