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Auckland, Rouse, Black & Son nr. 47
  AucklandRouse, Black & Son nr. 47 
MMTB W6 Class nr. 906 
Aviation Hall Terminus (MOTAT-2)
The terminal stop at the upper (northern) campus of the Museum of Transport and Technology (MOTAT).
Note the crowds of passengers and the popularity of the tram line.
• • •
Конечная остановка у верхнего (северного) кампуса Музея транспорта и технологий (МОТАТ).
Обратите внимание на толпу пассажиров и оцените популярность линии.

Autorul: Ymtram · East Haven - Branford           Dată: 14 February 2016 yr., Sunday

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Publicat 04.12.2023 20:24 MSK
Vizualizări — 160

Informație detaliată

Auckland, Rouse, Black & Son nr. 47

Depoul:Museum of Transport and Technology
Model:Rouse, Black & Son
Anul construcției:1906
Starea actuală:In operation
Funcție:Passenger vehicle
Observație:Double decker, ex-Wellington
The General Electric Company Limited
The General Electric Company Limited
J G Brill Company

Bodywork: Built by Rouse, Black and Son, Wellington 1906
Length: 36' 0" (11.0 m), width: 7' 0" (2.1 m)
Seating capacity: 93 originally (reduced to 74 after 1914 with 46 on top deck)
Trucks: Brill 22E 'maximum-traction' bogies.
4' 0" (1219 mm) gauge
Motors: 2 x GE67 @ 40 Hp (30 kW)
Controllers: General Electric B18 with rheostatic electric/magnetic track braking.

This is one of six double-decker trams built in 1906 for the Wellington City Tramways Corporation by the Wellington coachbuilding company of Rouse, Black & Son. American built Brill 22E “Eureka” trucks were then fitted to the body in the Tramway’s workshops. The tram had its first test run Saturday, 19th January, 1907 and entered service on the Jervois Quay run after midday Monday, as reported by the Evening Post, Monday, January 21, 1907. No. 47 worked on the Wellington tram system until 1954 as a passenger car.

Originally these trams had 93 seats and contained five separate 'Palace' compartments with sliding doors and running boards on each side. The conductor had to collect the fares from the lower floor by climbing along the running boards. This led to a number of accidents and, in some instances, the death of conductors. A law was passed in 1913 which mandated trams having central aisles for the safety of conductors. In 1914 the lower decks were rebuilt to have two saloon compartments with a centre entrance and an exit at the rear for those upstairs.

After being withdrawn from service, no. 47 was due to be scrapped. However, it was realised a double decker tram was required to maintain the Hataitai tram tunnel, so the tram had its upper seats and Destination boxes removed and became a ‘works tram’ until 1962. The Hataitai tunnel rails were later paved over, allowing Trolley Bus and tyred Tower Wagons to operate through it.

In 1957 the Old Time Transport and Preservation League of Auckland requested preservation of trams 47, 135, 301 and a Fiducia example from the Wellington fleet. These were kindly kept in the back of the Newton tram sheds until closure of service in May 1964 before coming to their home in the MOTAT Collection.

Comentarii · 2

04.12.2023 20:25 MSK
Ymtram · East Haven - Branford
Photos: 17879 · Moderator of third party photos / Photo Screener / General editor / News editor / Interface Translation (EN)
The 2 km-long tram line operated by the Auckland Museum of Transport and Technology (MOTAT) connects lower (southern) and upper (northern) campuses of the museum via Western Spring Park and Auckland Zoo.

The line has 6 stops. Only the Zoo intermediate stop is regular service stop, while other stops are upon request only. It is a single-track line with a passing point and a small double-track segment, effectively making it a second 'passing point'. Usually two trams operate on the line, utilizing one passing point.

Trams operate daily between 10:00-16:00. The posted schedule calls for trams to operate on weekdays every 15 minutes between 10:00-13:00 (due to school groups) and every 30 min. between 13:00-16:00. On weekends trams are to operate every 30 minutes between 10:00-13:00 and every 15 min. between 13:00-16:00 as the facilities at the museum get busier. In reality trams switch to 15 min headway whenever a need arises in terms of passenger influx.

The line is extremely popular, with trams operating on weekends full to capacity. I visited the line on the ordinary but warm summer weekend in February (think the Southern Hemisphere seasons). The operation switched to 15 min. headway practically from the start of the day, with trams operating full and queues forming at both terminals.

Double-decker car 47 usually operates when the line is busy to deal with extra passengers. Or upon personal requests by visiting railfans. Just ask in advance, or do it the New Zealand way: ask nicely on the spot upon arrival at the museum and locals would switch equipment for you )

Have fan / fun.
+3 / –0
04.12.2023 20:25 MSK
Ymtram · East Haven - Branford
Photos: 17879 · Moderator of third party photos / Photo Screener / General editor / News editor / Interface Translation (EN)
Трамвайная линия длиной 2 км, принадлежащая Оклендскому Музею транспорта и технологий (MOTAT), соединяет нижний (южный) и верхний (северный) кампусы музея через парк Western Springs и Оклендский зоопарк.

На линии 6 остановок. Только промежуточная остановка у Зоопарка обязательная, остальные остановки - по требованию. Линия однопутная, с разъездом и небольшим двухпутным участком, который фактически является вторым разъездом. Обычно на линии курсируют два трамвая, используя один разъезд.

Трамваи ходят ежедневно с 10:00 до 16:00. Согласно опубликованному расписанию, по будним дням трамваи должны ходить каждые 15 минут с 10:00 до 13:00 (из-за школьных групп) и каждые 30 минут с 13:00 до 16:00. По выходным трамваи должны ходить каждые 30 минут с 10:00 до 13:00 и каждые 15 минут. с 13:00 до 16:00, поскольку музей становится более загруженным по ходу дня. На самом деле трамваи переходят на 15-минутный интервал всякий раз, когда возникает необходимость из-за притока пассажиров.

Линия чрезвычайно популярна: по выходным трамваи ходят заполненные до отказа. Я посетил линию в обычный тёплый летний выходной в феврале месяце (помним времена года в Южном полушарии). Трамвайная линия перешла на 15-ти минутный интервал движения практически с начала дня. Трамваи ходили забитыми под крышу, а на каждой из конечных собирались очереди на посадку.

Двухэтажный вагон 47 обычно курсирует когда линия наиболее загружена, для повышения пропускной сопособности. А также по личной просьбе приезжих трамвайных фанатов. Договоритесь заранее, проконтактировав музей, или сделайте просто по-новозеландски: по мере посещения музея попросите на месте выставить вагон на линию, и местные всё сдеалют )

Have fan / fun.
+5 / –0


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