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New York City, Stephenson 2-axle motor car č. 298; New York City, Brill 2-axle motor car č. 403
  New York City Stephenson 2-axle motor car č. 298 
 Brill 2-axle motor car č. 403 
Grace Church, Broadway (cropped image)

Creator: Detroit Publishing Co. (publisher)
Library of Congress Call Number: LC-D418-8849 <P&P> [P&P]

Zaslal AlexSan · Odesa           Dátum: 1900 (približne)

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Zverejnené 28.12.2015 13:14 MSK
Návštev — 229

Podrobná informácia


New York City, Stephenson 2-axle motor car č. 298

Location:Manhattan and the Bronx
Vozovňa/Remíza:Metropolitan Street Railway
Typ:Stephenson 2-axle motor car
Súčasný stav:Prečíslovaný/premiestnený v rámci mesta (31. 12. 1911) Vyradené
Poznámka:31.12.1911 to New York Rys.
Built as a cable car, later electrified.
Closed 22' body (32'3" overall). Truck: Peckham Metropolitan Special.

New York City, Brill 2-axle motor car č. 403

Location:Manhattan and the Bronx
Vozovňa/Remíza:Metropolitan Street Railway
Typ:Brill 2-axle motor car
Súčasný stav:Lokalizácia a súčasný stav neznáme
Built as a cable car, later electrified.
Closed 22' body (32'3" overall).

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