TransPhotoსაქალაქო ელექტრო ტრანსპორტი

Lyon, ტროლეიბუსი № 1715

სახელმწიფო ნომერი:175 WE 69
ქალაქი:Lyon   France
დეპო:Transports en Commun Lyonnais
მოდელი:MAN NMT 222
ქარხნის ნომერი№:851
ამდროინდელი მდგომარეობა: არ მუშაობს 

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Rue Aimé Boussange
მარშრუტი S6, směr Croix-Rousse

Jeden z unikátních trolejbusů MAN NMT 222 č. 1715 specifický svou krátkou délkou (9,7 metru), který byl spolu s dalšími šesti vozy vyroben speciálně pro lyonskou trolejbusovou linku dnes nesoucí označení S6. Ta se proplétá značně kopcovitým terénem, úzkými uličkami, serpentinami, kde by běžné 12 metrové vozy vůbec neměli šanci projet. Životnost současné flotily (pocházejí z roku 1999) se blíží do finále a na trhu neexistuje adekvátní náhrada, žádný výrobce takto krátké trolejbusy nenabízí. Snímek ze slunečného lednového odpoledne pochází nedaleko od místa horní konečné linky S6 na Croix-Rousse (Červeném kříži).

One of the unique MAN NMT 222 trolleybuses No. 1715, specific for its short length (9.7 meters), which, together with six other vehicles, was made especially for the Lyon trolleybus line today known as No. S6. Its route is interwoven with very hilly terrain, narrow streets, curves, where ordinary 12-meter vehicles wouldn't have a chance to pass at all. The service life of the current vehicle fleet (from 1999) is coming to an end and there is no adequate replacement on the market, no manufacturer offers such short trolleybuses. The picture from the sunny January afternoon comes not far from the place of the upper final stop of line S6 on the Croix-Rousse (Red Cross).

22 იანვარი 2022 წელი, შაბათი
ავტორი: 9TrL194


  დეკემბერი 1999 წელი    Arrived at the facility

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