TransPhotoTransportul electric urban

New York City, car nr. 161

Network:New York City Transit Authority
Oraș:New York City   United States
Depoul:New York City Transit Authority
Model:ACF R1
Anul construcției:1930
Starea actuală: Withdrawn 
Funcție:Passenger vehicle



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Other vehicles with the same number:

nr. Model Depoul Nr. de serie Construit Casat Observație
161 Wason trailer car Manhattan Railway 1878 До 01.09.1879 — NYERR
161 Wason trailer car NYERR 1878 С 01.09.1879 — Manhattan Railway
161 Steam locomotive Manhattan Railway 1886
161 Osgood Bradley trailer car BMT 1893
161 Wason motor car Manhattan Railway 1903
161 St. Louis R44 NYCTA 1972 09.2012 С 25.10.1991 — 5229

Vehicle lists: