
Video Catalog: Trams in Frankfurt - Strassenbahn - Villamos - Streetcar

Trams in Frankfurt - Strassenbahn - Villamos - Streetcar

  Frankfurt am Main, Duewag R # 015, Duewag R # 035, Bombardier Flexity Classic # 202, Bombardier Flexity Classic # 236, Bombardier Flexity Classic # 242
The Frankfurt am Main tramway network is a network of tramways forming a major part of the public transport system in Frankfurt am Main, a city in the federal state of Hesse, Germany

Трамвайная сеть Франкфурт-на-Майне — это сеть трамваев, составляющих основную часть системы общественного транспорта во Франкфурте-на-Майне, городе в федеральной земле Гессен, Германия.

Information about the video

Cities:    Frankfurt am Main


Published 25.10.2019 12:37 MSK
Views — 3


Rating: +1

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Operator/Facility:Gutleut Depot
Model:Duewag R
Current state: In operation 
Purpose:Passenger vehicle

Operator/Facility:Gutleut Depot
Model:Duewag R
Current state: In operation 
Purpose:Passenger vehicle
Remarks:Обновленная информационная система

Operator/Facility:Gutleut Depot
Model:Bombardier Flexity Classic
Current state: In operation 
Purpose:Passenger vehicle

Operator/Facility:Gutleut Depot
Model:Bombardier Flexity Classic
Current state: In operation 
Purpose:Passenger vehicle

Operator/Facility:Gutleut Depot
Model:Bombardier Flexity Classic
Current state: In operation 
Purpose:Passenger vehicle
Носит имя "Gallus" (присвоено 14.12.2005)

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