TransphotoUrban Electric Transit
Setubal district



Editor: Karalis Arturs.

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Electric Bus Facilities / Operators

Alsa Todi · Carris Metropolitana
Concession rights to operate under Carris Metropolitana name in south east area of Lisbon metropolitan area — Alcochete, Barreiro, Moita, Montijo, Palmela, Setubal.
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City information and transport tickets


Founded: 1249
Area: 230,33km2
Population: 123`519

Even though Setubal is the capital of a separate district it is still considered to be part of the Lisbon metropolitan area (south-eastern most to be precise).

Ticket prices as on 1st January 2024
Linha Próxima (Carris Metropolitana) Zapping0,85€
Linha Próxima (Carris Metropolitana) on-board1,25€
Linha Longa (Carris Metropolitana) Zapping1,55€
Linha Longa (Carris Metropolitana) on-board2,60€
Linha Rápida (Carris Metropolitana) Zapping3,10€
Linha Rápida (Carris Metropolitana) on-board4,50€
Linha Inter-Regional (Carris Metropolitana) on-board3,10-3,60€
Linha Mar (Carris Metropolitana) Zapping3,10€
Linha Mar (Carris Metropolitana) on-board4,50€
Monthly pass (within Setubal municipality only)30,00€
Monthly pass (all transport types within Lisbon metropolitan area)40,00€

Tickets or Zapping balance are loaded into paper (not personalized) or plastic (personalized) smartcards.
Price for one paper (not personalized) smartcard is 0,50€ and can be purchased at any ticket vending machine or ticket shop. It is valid for 1 year and can be re-loaded with the same type ticket during this time, but monthly passes cannot be loaded onto them.
Price for plastic (personalized) smartcard is 7,00€ (made within 10 workdays) or 12,00€ (made within 1 workday). Can hold up to two different ticket types.
Monthly passes have discounts for separate groups of population (pupils and students, pensioners, etc.).

Electric buses

Carris Metropolitana
Founded April 1, 2022

Carris Metropolitana provides bus services on city and inter-municipal routes in Setubal with electric and regular buses (no special electric bus routes).

In Setubal Alsa Todi (based in Setubal) operates under the Carris Metropolitana brand.

Routes in Setubal municipality are 44xx, 45xx, 46xx and 47xx.

Carris Metropolitana route numbers always have 4 digits which help identify the type of route. First digit always indicates area. Second digit indicates the type: city route (0-4, usually indicting one of the major cities in the area), inter-municipality route within same area (5) inter-municipality route to different area (6), routes to Lisbon (7-8), routes that go outside the Lisbon metropolitan area (9). Last two digits are simply the route number.

Alsa Todi operates in all south east municipalities of Lisbon metropolitan area Alcochete, Moita, Montijo, Palmela, Setubal and Barreiro (service in Barreiro is shared with Transportes Sul do Tejo, who also operates under Carris Metropolitana name).

Other types of electric public transport

Comboios de Portugal
Founded May 11, 1860

Electric suburban trains to Barreiro.

Founded June 22, 1999

Electric suburban trains over the 25th April bridge connecting Lisbon, Almada, Coina and Setúbal.

Information written by Karalis Arturs. Last updated 9th April 2024.

Active Photographers of the City

1st place: Karalis Arturs — 17 photos

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