TransPhotoElektrinis miestų viešasis transportas

Komentarai miesto po nuotraukomis Twente (elektrobusas)


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mpelov · Sofia · 13.12.2023 17:02 MSK
Foto: 90 · Miesto redaktorius — Enschedė, Mendoza
It's nice that the buses are now all electric, but also sad that the traditional red livery with the Twents Ros was replaced by this generic RRReis one.
+0 / –0
Julian de Bondt · Enschedė · 28.11.2023 11:03 MSK
Foto: 387 · Miesto redaktorius — Nyderlandai
Quote (mpelov, 24.11.2023):
> Is it known what is Syntus going to do with the Citeas? Transfer them to other concessions or sell them off?

They will return to VDL. 40 buses will be temporarily leased to EBS in the Flevoland area, they are still waiting for new Ebusco buses.

What they will do with the other 65 i don't know.
+1 / –0
mpelov · Sofia · 25.11.2023 01:09 MSK
Foto: 90 · Miesto redaktorius — Enschedė, Mendoza
Is it known what is Syntus going to do with the Citeas? Transfer them to other concessions or sell them off?
+0 / –0