TransPhotoElektrická Městská Doprava

Seznam vozového parku

Cleveland & Southwestern, Cleveland Southwestern & Columbus Railway Co.

1894 Cleveland & Elyria Electric Railroad Co. → 1896 Cleveland Berea & Elyria Railway Co. → 1897 Cleveland Berea Elyria & Oberlin Railway Co. → 1900 Cleveland Elyria & Western Railway Co. → 1903 Cleveland & Southwestern Traction Co. → 1907 Cleveland Southwestern & Columbus Railway Co. → 1924–1931 Cleveland Southwestern Railway & Light Co.

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č. Typ Výr. č. Výroba Od... Poznámka
2 Snow removal car Snow plow
10 4-axle motor car Flat motor / locomotive
14 4-axle motor car Flat motor / locomotive
16 4-axle motor car Line car
29 Jackson & Sharp 4-axle motor car 490 1895 ???? Line car. ???? ex revenue service
37 Birney 1917 ???? Rail bonder. ???? ex revenue service
50 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1902 Freight motor. 1916 to 400
51 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1902 Freight motor. 1916 to 401
52 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1902 Freight motor. 1916 to 402
53 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1903 Freight motor. 1916 to 403
54 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1903 Freight motor. 1916 to 404
55 Niles 4-axle motor car 1903 Freight motor. 1916 to 405
56 Niles 4-axle motor car 1903 Freight motor. 1916 to 406
57 Niles 4-axle motor car 1903 Freight motor. 1916 to 407
58 Niles 4-axle motor car 1903 Freight motor. 1916 to 408
59 Niles 4-axle motor car 1903 Freight motor. 1916 to 409
200 Niles interurban motor car 1909 Official car “Alvesta”. 1925 to revenue service
400 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1902 1916 Freight motor. 1916 ex 50
401 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1902 1916 Freight motor. 1916 ex 51
402 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1902 1916 Freight motor. 1916 ex 52
403 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1903 1916 Freight motor. 1916 ex 53
404 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1903 1916 Freight motor. 1916 ex 54
405 Niles 4-axle motor car 1903 1916 Freight motor. 1916 ex 55
406 Niles 4-axle motor car 1903 1916 Freight motor. 1916 ex 56
407 Niles 4-axle motor car 1903 1916 Freight motor. 1916 ex 57
408 Niles 4-axle motor car 1903 1916 Freight motor. 1916 ex 58
409 Niles 4-axle motor car 1903 1916 Freight motor. 1916 ex 59
410 4-axle motor car 1916 Freight motor
411 4-axle motor car 1916 Freight motor
412 4-axle motor car 1916 Freight motor
501 Cincinnati 4-axle trailer car 1916 Freight trailer
502 Cincinnati 4-axle trailer car 1916 Freight trailer
503 Cincinnati 4-axle trailer car 1916 Freight trailer
504 Cincinnati 4-axle trailer car 1916 Freight trailer
505 Cincinnati 4-axle trailer car 1916 Freight trailer
506 Cincinnati 4-axle trailer car 1916 Freight trailer
507 4-axle trailer car Freight trailer
508 4-axle trailer car Freight trailer
509 4-axle trailer car Freight trailer
510 4-axle trailer car Freight trailer
511 4-axle trailer car Freight trailer
512 4-axle trailer car Freight trailer
513 4-axle trailer car Freight trailer
514 4-axle trailer car Freight trailer
515 4-axle trailer car Freight trailer
516 4-axle trailer car Freight trailer
517 4-axle trailer car Freight trailer
518 4-axle trailer car Freight trailer
519 4-axle trailer car Freight trailer
520 4-axle trailer car Freight trailer
521 4-axle trailer car Freight trailer
522 4-axle trailer car Freight trailer
523 4-axle trailer car Freight trailer
524 4-axle trailer car Freight trailer
525 4-axle trailer car Freight trailer

Zobrazeno: 55 z 55

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Odeslán do jiného města
Výměna SPZ (v rámci podniku)


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