TransphotoSähköinen kaupunkiliikenne


Rooma, STU - Società Anonima per Azioni Trasporti Ugolini

STU — Società Anonima per Azioni Trasporti Ugolini operator of electric bus in Roma 1924-1927

Käyttötarkoitus:  mikä tahansa  ·  matkustaja  ·  työ / rahti  ·  museo

# Malli Valmistettu Tulo Meno Huom.
150 (not in the list) 1924 1924 20.09.1927 20.09.1927 to E.101
151 (not in the list) 1924 1924 20.09.1927 20.09.1927 to E.103 / Roma 3853
152 (not in the list) 1924 1924 20.09.1927 20.09.1927 to E.105
153 (not in the list) 1924 1924 20.09.1927 20.09.1927 to E.107
154 (not in the list) 1924 1924 20.09.1927 20.09.1927 to E.109 / Roma 3856
155 (not in the list) 1924 1924 20.09.1927 20.09.1927 to E.111
156 (not in the list) 1924 1924 20.09.1927 20.09.1927 to E.113
157 (not in the list) 1924 1924 20.09.1927 20.09.1927 to E.115
158 (not in the list) 1924 1924 20.09.1927 20.09.1927 to E.117 / Roma 3860
159 (not in the list) 1924 1924 20.09.1927 20.09.1927 to E.119 / Roma 3861
160 (not in the list) 1924 1924 20.09.1927 20.09.1927 to E.121
161 (not in the list) 1924 1924 20.09.1927 20.09.1927 to E.123
162 (not in the list) 1924 1924 20.09.1927 20.09.1927 to E.125
163 (not in the list) 1924 1924 20.09.1927 20.09.1927 to E.127
164 (not in the list) 1924 1924 20.09.1927 20.09.1927 to E.129
165 (not in the list) 1924 1924 20.09.1927 20.09.1927 to E.131
166 (not in the list) 1924 1924 20.09.1927 20.09.1927 to E.133 / Roma 3849
167 (not in the list) 1924 1924 20.09.1927 20.09.1927 to E.135
168 (not in the list) 1924 1924 20.09.1927 20.09.1927 to E.137 / Roma 3851
169 (not in the list) 1924 1924
170 (not in the list) 1924 1924
171 (not in the list) 1924 1924
201 (not in the list) 1924 1924 20.09.1927 20.09.1927 to E.201

Näytetyt tietueet: 23 / 23


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