TransPhotoPilsētas elektrotransports

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Christoph & Unmack 2-axle motor car

Iecelšana:  jebkura  ·  pasažierie  ·  dienestie  ·  muzejie

Raž. No... Līdz... Util. Pilsēta Depo/Parks Piezīme
8 1897 1897 1928 Görlitz GVB 1928 to WUMAG/AEG 2-axle motor car; 1930 to 13; 1956 to 101
9 1897 1897 1928 Görlitz GVB 1928 to WUMAG/AEG 2-axle motor car; 1930 to 14; 1956 to 102
10 1897 1897 1928 Görlitz GVB 1928 to WUMAG/AEG 2-axle motor car
11 1897 1897 1928 Görlitz GVB 1928 to WUMAG/AEG 2-axle motor car; 1956 to 105
12 1897 1897 1928 Görlitz GVB 1928 to WUMAG/AEG 2-axle motor car; 1961 to 107
13 1897 1897 1928 Görlitz GVB 1928 to WUMAG/AEG 2-axle motor car; 1929 to WUMAG 2-axle trailer car # 41
14 1897 1897 1928 Görlitz GVB 1928 to WUMAG/AEG 2-axle motor car; 1929 to WUMAG 2-axle trailer car # 42; 1938 to Legnica, б/н
15 1897 1897 1928 Görlitz GVB 1928 to WUMAG/AEG 2-axle motor car; 1962 to work service
16 1897 1897 1928 Görlitz GVB 1928 to WUMAG/AEG 2-axle motor car; 1962 to work service
17 1897 1897 1928 Görlitz GVB 1928 to WUMAG/AEG 2-axle motor car
18 1897 1897 1928 Görlitz GVB 1928 to WUMAG/AEG 2-axle motor car; 1930 to WUMAG 2-axle trailer car # 43
19 1897 1897 1928 Görlitz GVB 1928 to WUMAG/AEG 2-axle motor car; 1930 to WUMAG 2-axle trailer car # 44
20 1897 1897 1928 Görlitz GVB 1928 to WUMAG/AEG 2-axle motor car; 1930 to WUMAG 2-axle trailer car # 45
21 1897 1897 1928 Görlitz GVB 1928 to WUMAG/AEG 2-axle motor car; 1930 to 18
22 1897 1897 1928 Görlitz GVB 1928 to WUMAG/AEG 2-axle motor car; 1930 to 19; 1962 to work service
1 1897 1897 ≈ 1936 Görlitz GVB
2 1897 1897 ≈ 1936 Görlitz GVB
3 1897 1897 ≈ 1936 Görlitz GVB
4 1897 1897 ≈ 1936 Görlitz GVB
5 1897 1897 1936 Görlitz GVB
7 1897 1897 ≈ 1936 Görlitz GVB
23 1897 1897 ≈ 1937 Görlitz GVB
24 1897 1897 ≈ 1937 Görlitz GVB
25 1897 1897 ≈ 1937 Görlitz GVB
26 1897 1897 ≈ 1937 Görlitz GVB
27 1897 1897 ≈ 1937 Görlitz GVB
28 1897 1897 ≈ 1937 Görlitz GVB
29 1897 1897 ≈ 1937 Görlitz GVB
30 1897 1897 ≈ 1937 Görlitz GVB
106 1897 1956 1969 Görlitz GVB 1956 ex 6; 1930 ex revenue service
5 1925 1925 1967 1967 Woltersdorf -
217 1928 1945 Chemnitz Schmalspur
313 1928 1975 1976 Chemnitz Schmalspur 1975 ex 213
314 1928 1975 1976 Chemnitz Schmalspur 1975 ex 214
315 1928 1975 1976 Chemnitz Schmalspur 1975 ex 215
316 1928 1975 1976 Chemnitz Schmalspur 1975 ex 216
124 1928 1985 Magdeburg IGNah 1985 ex MVB
297 1942 1964 Chemnitz Schmalspur -> Schöneiche
298 1942 1964 Chemnitz Schmalspur -> Schöneiche
299 1942 1964 Chemnitz Schmalspur -> Schöneiche
297 1942 1942 1964 Chemnitz Schmalspur 1964 to Schöneiche - Rüdersdorf, Christoph & Unmack 2-axle trailer car # 133
298 1942 1942 1964 Chemnitz Schmalspur 1964 to Schöneiche - Rüdersdorf, Christoph & Unmack 2-axle trailer car # 132
299 1942 1942 1964 Chemnitz Schmalspur 1964 to Schöneiche - Rüdersdorf, Christoph & Unmack 2-axle trailer car # 131

Parādītie ieraksti: 43 no 43

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