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Chronology: Tarragona

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30 желтоқсан 1952 ж.

La historia de la "Filovía Reus, Tarragona y Extensiones SA" (FIRTESA), comienza el 30 de noviembre de 1952, fecha de inauguración del servicio entre Reus y Tarragona, con 12 kilómetros de un tendido único de línea aérea y bucle en los dos extremos. Aunque el 25 de marzo de 1950, dos años antes, en Reus se vió circular el primer trolebús de la empresa en plan exhibición.

Firtesa arrancó su servicio y comenzó a enlazar las dos ciudades con una frecuencia de treinta minutos a través de la carretera N-420, con dos amplias vueltas a las ciudades que, de hecho, actuaban como un servicio urbano.

30 желтоқсан 1952 ж.

History of the Trolleybus on the Tarragona Reus line.

The first project to link the two main cities of Reus-Tarragona was established in 1940, but problems arising from the Second World War and the shortage of supplies delayed opening until 1952. The line was established on the N-420 road and two large loops were executed as an urban service in both cities. The vehicle depot was in Tarragona and the power station, in the middle of the route, was capable of running only 2 or 3 vehicles. After the commissioning of a suburban route from Torreforta to Tarragona, the voltage was falling to 450 V, so a new power station was established at the depot.

The company Firtesa is the one that hosted the line or project. The Firtesa Trolleybus is even older than the bus and ran from Plaça dels Carrs in Tarragona to Carrer Francolí at its current entrance from the old road to Reus; as for the line to the Torreforta district of Tarragona. As for Reus-Tarragona, it left from the same place and had several stops along its route, including the stop at the base or depot in Carrer Indpendència opposite the old Tabacalera. In Reus it used to have its final destination in the current Plaça de la Llibertad (then Plaça dels Màrtirs).

At the beginning of the 1970s, the service was unable to cope with the increase in passengers and the lack of spare parts, which led to the suspension of the trolleybus service and its conversion into a bus. Three second-hand 'Pegaso Monotral6035' took over, initially mixed with the trolleybuses, thus bringing the Tarragona-Reus trolleybus line to an end and giving it a rest.