TransPhotoMiejski Transport Elektryczny

Kronika: Okręg Hunedoara

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20 grudnia 2023 r.

Publication of Hunedoara city's tender for purchase of 4 electric buses (10m) through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

1 kwietnia 2023 r.

Publication of Petroșani city's tender for purchase of 7 electric buses (10m) through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.
25.09.2023: contract was signed with Anadolu Automobil Rom (romanian importator for Karsan Otomotiv).

2 lutego 2023 r.

Publication of Hunedoara county's tender for purchase of 26 electric buses (8m) through the Regional Operational Program, Priority Axis 4 of the REGIO Program 2014-2020.
25.04.2023: contract was signed with Anadolu Automobil Rom (romanian importator for Anadolu Isuzu).

21 maja 2021 r.

Publication of Deva city's tender for purchase of 26 electric buses (22x6m + 4x8m) through the Regional Operational Program, Priority Axis 4 of the REGIO Program 2014-2020.
03.11.2021: contract was signed with Anadolu Automobil Rom (romanian importator for Karsan Otomotiv).
01.2023: all electric buses were delivered.