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Nampo — Trolleybus Lines and Infrastructure
  NampoTrolleybus Lines and Infrastructure
Yurison Street
The only trolleybus junction in the city.
Единственная троллейбусная развилка в городе.

Photo: Moravius

Zaslal Ymtram · East Haven - Branford           Datum: Čtvrtek 4. června 2009

Zobrazit místo pořízení na mapě


Zveřejněno 29.11.2020 10:32 MSK
Zhlédnutí — 1233

Podrobné informace

Nastavení kamery

Date and Time:04.06.2009 15:43
Exposure Time:1/1000 sec
Aperture Value:5
ISO Speed:200
Focal Length:45 mm
Ukázat celý EXIF

Komentáře · 1

02.06.2021 02:42 MSK
jiachen · Sydney
Fotografií: 418 · Překlad webu (CN)
The Nampo trolleybus has again been captured in motion on satellite.
2 trolleybuses leaving depot plus 1 near the east loop
However, comparing 12/24/2020 with 5/6/2021 shows all other trolleybuses parked in the same position.
I doubt that they had parking skills to park the trolleybuses in the exact same position between 6 months. Perhaps this would explain the number of standard buses in Nampo, seen on all roads, covering the whole trolleybus line.
I can't say for sure, but a bus parked close to the trolleybuses looks like the solar panel bus, it has a very reflective roof
+1 / –0

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