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Andizhan — Trolleybus Lines and Infrastructure
Bobur shoh ko'chasi
Бывшая линия маршрутов 1, 2, 3.

Autor: Petr Bystroň · Vilnius           Kuupäev: 31 jaanuar 2023 a., teisipäev

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Litsents: Copyright ©
Avaldatud 21.02.2023 01:54 MSK
Vaatamisi — 760

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Model:NIKON D3300
Date and Time:31.01.2023 08:17
Exposure Time:1/250 sec
Aperture Value:4
ISO Speed:200
Focal Length:27 mm
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Kommentaarid · 4

21.02.2023 02:06 MSK
Ymtram · East Haven - Branford
Fotosid: 17772 · Autorideta materjalide moderaator / Fotomoderaator / Üldtoimetaja / Uudiste toimetaja / Saidi tõlkimine (EN)
> Andizhan 31.01.2023

> Osh 31.01.2023

Upon my research in 2016-2018 crossing the land border wasn't practical (or very safe) option due to tensions between the two countries, bureaucratic and practical issues on the Uzbek side, and intermittent border closures for prolonged periods of time. I then opted for two separate trips - to Uzbekistan on one side, and to Kyrgyzstan on the other. How are things now, and how was your experience? Thank you.
+2 / –0
21.02.2023 02:36 MSK
Petr Bystroň · Vilnius
Fotosid: 3547 · Saidi tõlkimine (CS)
Last year in summer, I just risked cause there wasn´t better way how to get to Osh. There are two options from Kyrgyzstan but...:
an airplane it´s expensive but fast
a taxi is not so expensive but its too much slow (I tried it during this trip, more than 15 hours long trip)

So due to this facts I tried to across UZ and KG border to reach Osh from opossite side. I was asking some local people in advance, while I was in Tashkent and Chiva last year to make sure it may by OK. Some of them warned me about Kyrgyz border control, although there was no problem in the end.
I think it was just its permanent rivality when they don´t believe each other more or less...
In fact, I felt safety every time - as now, as last year, so I can confirm this way is fully safety and reliable.

Some of my experiences:
The way from Tashkent lasts approx. 6 hours by train. From the bus station in Andijon depart often marshrutkas.

There are two ways how to reach Osh. The way to the border spends approx. 45-60 minutes.
In summer I tried marshrutka to Dostyk village (only to border, then you have to croos border by foot and from Kyrgyz side I took marshrutka no. 107 to the city).

Now I tried direct marshrutka to Osh. Personally, I would say that connections with "change" by food is faster then direct one because you have to wait for all passengers...
Well, on the Kyrgyz border control the officer didńt know I don´t need visa, so I spent there some time. I was just waiting, nothing bad happened. After that I succesfully passed the border control, I was finding my marshrutka, however my marshrutka wasn´t there - simply they didn´t wait on me. Fortunately, I have all my personal belongings with me of course. I took it easy! I went by foot to the terminus of trolleybus line 2 (1t´s no so far) and start enyjoying Kyrgyzstan.

You are welcome!)
+5 / –0
18.06.2023 20:12 MSK
Fotosid: 327
Интересно узнать что-либо про подв. состав
+0 / –0
08.04.2024 03:08 MSK
aev060492 ·
Fotosid: 13
Фото город не красит) По сути город очень приятный внешне и в целом довольно чистый. Здесь же... Но это "Новый базар"
+0 / –0


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