A fényképeket változtatás nélkül közöljük és nem szándékozunk velük bármilyen politikai vagy világnézeti álláspontot képviselni.

Mindent a felhasználók küldenek be, és nem tükrözik az oldal szerkesztőinek véleményét.

Hangzhou — Maps
Scheme of the contact network of trolleybuses in Hangzhou.

The southern section of the contact network for 151 on Jiangcheng Road was fully reconnected and rebuilt after metro construction interrupted the contact network in that area 6 years ago.
Although 151 is now 100% with contact network, some drivers choose to drive on battery power, perhaps due to convenience.

The northern section of K155 is still without a contact network. The current lighting poles have mounts for contact network arms.

160 is only operated by a trolleybus when all other electric buses are unavailable; such an event is uncommon.

There are various sections of unused trolleybus contact network in the city. At the northwest are the wires formerly used by 188.

There are 50 working trolleybuses in Hangzhou: 46 YoungMan (JNP6120BEV1, JNP-WG120G) and 4 Yutong ZK6125BEVG10). Currently, it seems unlikely for any extensions to occur to the trolleybus system.

Készítette: jiachen · Sydney           Dátum: 31 március 2023 ., péntek


Szerzői jog: BY-SA
Publikálva 13.04.2023 10:30 MSK
Megtekintések — 633

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Kommentek · 3

13.04.2023 17:48 MSK
Павел С · Himki
Képek: 63
Very good scheme!

Thank you very much for such interesting information!

Do you have any plans to create similar schemes for other cities in China?
+4 / –0
14.04.2023 01:58 MSK
jiachen · Sydney
Képek: 426 · Oldal-fordító (CN)
Thank you for your support.
I will draw more schemes from China, and from other nearby Asian countries that I researched.
+8 / –0
14.05.2023 23:56 MSK
Képek: 168
You have made a great job
+1 / –0


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