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Paris - Versailles - Yvelines — Automatic metro of Charles-de-Gaulle Airport (People Mover) 1996-1999
  Paris - Versailles - YvelinesAutomatic metro of Charles-de-Gaulle Airport (People Mover) 1996-1999
Aéroport Charles-de-Gaulle
The system had many technical problems and was probably not in service that day: there were no passengers. The line was closed the following year.

Autor: focus1965 · Antwerpen           Kuupäev: 20 märts 1998 a., reede


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Avaldatud 20.10.2023 22:47 MSK
Vaatamisi — 319

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Model:Canon TS5100 series
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Kommentaarid · 6

21.10.2023 12:55 MSK
Fotosid: 6
This reminds me of the abandoned system in Noisy-le-Grand:
+1 / –0
22.10.2023 00:42 MSK
focus1965 · Antwerpen
Fotosid: 7697 · Üldtoimetaja / Saidi tõlkimine (EN/FR)
Thanks for this usefull addition.
I had never read or heard anything about it and will post something about it here very soon.
In many big cities, one finds such (failed or unfinished) projects, or aspects of history long forgotten...
Again, thank you for this very interesting reply!
+2 / –0
22.10.2023 15:28 MSK
Fotod puuduvad
Жалко. Очень круто и современно смотрится и в наши дни!
+1 / –0
22.10.2023 15:56 MSK
Ymtram · East Haven - Branford
Fotosid: 18249 · Autorideta materjalide moderaator / Fotomoderaator / Üldtoimetaja / Uudiste toimetaja / Saidi tõlkimine (EN)
Most likely the abovementioned systems were expensive and impractical, especially considering passenger carrying capacity.

Welcome to Morgantown, USA ca. 1975:

Hence the described deficiencies of low-capacity ‘personal’-size guided vehicle systems are well known, and the designers of the system in France should have done their homework better.
+1 / –0
24.10.2023 19:34 MSK
Fotod puuduvad
Цитата (focus1965, 22.10.2023):
> Again, thank you for this very interesting reply!

How many such trailers do you think there were?
Their design is very cool!
+2 / –0
24.10.2023 23:32 MSK
focus1965 · Antwerpen
Fotosid: 7697 · Üldtoimetaja / Saidi tõlkimine (EN/FR)
This is an interesting question. I did some research: 79 were foreseen including planned (but never implemented) extensions.
38 were used on line 1 and later also 19 on the short line 2. At this moment, I think we can talk about 57 vehicules.
+1 / –0


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