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Plauen, Gotha T57 № 63; Plauen — Line to Unterer Bahnhof (closed 30.03.2007)
  Plauen Gotha T57 № 63  —  Marsruut 2
Line to Unterer Bahnhof (closed 30.03.2007)
Endstelle Unterer Bahnhof
The war damage, probably from the 1944/1945 period, was still unrepaired in 1991...

Autor: focus1965 · Antwerpen           Kuupäev: 25 juuni 1991 a., teisipäev

Näita võtte asukohta kaardil


Litsents: Copyright ©
Avaldatud 27.04.2024 18:32 MSK
Vaatamisi — 214

Detailne info

Plauen, Gotha T57 № 63

Depoo/park:Plauener Straßenbahn
Mudel:Gotha T57
Hetkeseis:Edasi antud/müüdud teise linna (05.12.1992)
Märkus:5.12.1992 to Bad Schandau, 2

Pildifaili teave

Model:Canon TS5100 series
Näita kõik EXIF

Kommentaarid · 5

27.04.2024 20:26 MSK
Ymtram · East Haven - Branford
Fotosid: 18189 · Autorideta materjalide moderaator / Fotomoderaator / Üldtoimetaja / Uudiste toimetaja / Saidi tõlkimine (EN)
Here is the exact same spot a month ago, unfortunately no more trams here - the line to Unterer Bahnhof was closed 30.03.2007:

Sorry to piggyback on the subject, but I was preparing some select material from my recent trip to the former DDR territory, so I decided to go ahead with a few photos from Plauen of my own.

The new gallery 'Line to Unterer Bahnhof (Closed 30.03.2007)' has been created.
+2 / –0
27.04.2024 20:29 MSK
Ymtram · East Haven - Branford
Fotosid: 18189 · Autorideta materjalide moderaator / Fotomoderaator / Üldtoimetaja / Uudiste toimetaja / Saidi tõlkimine (EN)
То же самое место месяц назад, к сожалению, трамваев здесь больше нет - линия на Unterer Bahnhof была закрыта 30.03.2007:

Как раз готовил избранные материалы из своей недавней поездки по территории бывшей ГДР, посему ускорил публикацию нескольких своих фото из Плауэна на сабж. тему.

Создана новая отдельная галерея "Линия на Unterer Bahnhof (закрыта 30.03.2007)".
+1 / –0
27.04.2024 20:47 MSK
focus1965 · Antwerpen
Fotosid: 7697 · Üldtoimetaja / Saidi tõlkimine (EN/FR)
What a coincidence... You could never know that I made this photo and was going to share it here (this all happens randomly) and I really couldn't know that many years later you were going to take a similar photo at the same spot - without trams.
+2 / –0
27.04.2024 21:15 MSK
Ymtram · East Haven - Branford
Fotosid: 18189 · Autorideta materjalide moderaator / Fotomoderaator / Üldtoimetaja / Uudiste toimetaja / Saidi tõlkimine (EN)
I would attribute this ‘coincidence’ to a good eye of an avid photographer. If you were to make a photo of this segment of the line that conveys the surrounding area character, you would really want a combination of the old house and a smokestack in the background. This precise location is the perfect point to combine both. So we have two photographers looking for the best photo opportunities, an naturally selecting the ideal spot.

After all, you wouldn’t doubt why both photographers chose the following same famous spot, but the rationale is very similar:
+2 / –0
06.05.2024 18:06 MSK
Fotosid: 917
Атмосферная фотография. Пост-социалистическая восточная Европа, состояние городов примерно одинаковое для всех бывших соцлагерных стран.
+2 / –0


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