TransphotoSähköinen kaupunkiliikenne

New York City, raitiovaunu # 500

Kaupunki:New York City   Yhdysvallat
Sijainti:Brooklyn and Queens
Liikennöitsijä/varikko:New York & Queens County Railway
Malli:4-axle motor car
Nykytila: Poistettu 
Huom.:Parlor car
Builder: NY&QС Shops at Woodside.
Initially used by August Belmont, president of IRT.
Later used as a superintendent's office.

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New York CityNew York & Queens County Railway Co. — Miscellaneous Photos

Woodside carhouse

A view of the Woodside trolley car barn. At the time of this writing, partial remains of the structure, including the two brick towers, still stand at the intersection of Woodside Avenue and Northern Boulevard.

William J. Rugen Image Collection. Queens Library

Copyright holder unknown

8 elokuuta 1937 v., sunnuntai
Lisääjä: AlexSan

  1937 v.    Poistettu


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Muut kulkuneuvot, joilla on sama kylkinumero:

# Malli Liikennöitsijä/varikko Sarjanumero Valmistettu Huom.
500 Stephenson 2-axle motor car New York Rys. 1895 До 31.12.1911 — Metropolitan St. Ry.
500 Stephenson 2-axle motor car Metropolitan St. Ry. 1895 С 31.12.1911 — New York Rys.
500 Laclede 4-axle motor car BRT / B&QT 1896
500 Stephenson 2-axle motor car Union Ry. / TARS 1897 С 1923 — 1306
500 Brill 4-axle motor car CI&BRR 1899 С 1914 — 1839
500 Brill 4-axle motor car New York Rys. 1903 До 31.12.1911 — Metropolitan St. Ry.; до 1910 — 3008
500 Brill 4-axle motor car Metropolitan St. Ry. 1903 До 1910 — 3008. С 31.12.1911 — New York Rys.
500 Jewett 4-axle motor car Union Ry. / TARS 1908 До 1924 — New York Rys., 255; до 31.12.1911 — Metropolitan St. Ry.
500 Brill 4-axle motor car Union Ry. / TARS 190X До 1917 — 833
