TransPhotoГородской электротранспорт

Инциденты / аварии

Береговой трамвай

726 КБ

Береговой трамвай,  BN/ACEC type 6000 6-axle  6020 
Береговой трамвай,  BN/ACEC type 6000 6-axle  6031 

De Haan, Koninklijke Baan

A tow truck pulled the trams apart.
The damage to the second tram is clearly visible. If you look closely, you can also see the curve, where the second tram drove out: the driver could therefore not see the first stationary tram.

31 июля 1994 г.
Автор: focus1965

748 КБ

Береговой трамвай,  BN/ACEC type 6000 6-axle  6031 
Береговой трамвай,  BN/ACEC type 6000 6-axle  6020 

De Haan, Koninklijke Baan

The shock must have been enormous. The first tram was immobilized due to a defect, the second tram crashed into it at 70 km/h.
The driver of the second tram could not see that a tram was stopped there: this was just after a curve.

31 июля 1994 г.
Автор: focus1965

757 КБ

Береговой трамвай,  BN/ACEC type 6000 6-axle  6020 
Береговой трамвай,  BN/ACEC type 6000 6-axle  6031 

De Haan, Koninklijke Baan

In this accident, 23 passengers were hurt. The driver of the second tram was not at fault: he could not see the first tram.

31 июля 1994 г.
Автор: focus1965

769 КБ

Береговой трамвай,  SNCV SE моторный  9093 
Исторические фотографии — Электрический трамвай (тип S/SE/SO)

Blankenberge, Albert Ruzettelaan

Photo: Herbert Heller (Belgium).
Negative and photo from my collection and written permission to use the collection in my possession.

The line was in full renovation and perhaps this junction was used for the first time. It turned out that the overhead line was just not hanging at the right place...

Август 1981 г.
Прислал focus1965

763 КБ

Береговой трамвай,  SNCV SO моторный  9943   —  маршрут 1
Исторические фотографии — Электрический трамвай (тип S/SE/SO)

Oostende, Marie-Joseplein

Photo: Herbert Heller (Belgium).
Negative and photo from my collection and written permission to use the collection in my possession.

Апрель 1974 г.
Прислал focus1965

554 КБ

Береговой трамвай,  SNCV Standard деревянный моторный  9946   —  маршрут 1
Исторические фотографии — Электрический трамвай (другие виды трамваев)

A unique and original photo from my collection, taken by a German soldier or officer: the text with date on the back of the photo is in German. The headlight of the tram is obscured and the man in the middle of the photo looks anything but friendly to the photographer: it was the occupying forces.
This is probably the only photo of this tram: it was repaired, but burnt down completely shortly after.

4 октября 1940 г.
Прислал focus1965

Показано изображений: 6 из 6
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