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Mannyon — Trolleybus Line and Infrastructure
It is possible to see distinctive overhead support poles on the both sides of the road.
The west trolleybus loop was repaved in late 2019 or 2020 (imagery from
Photo taken either in 1990s or 2006 survey.

Przysłał jiachen · Sydney           Data: 2006 r. (około)

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Opublikowano 14.03.2021 17:38 MSK
Odsłon — 1337

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Komentarze · 8

14.03.2021 17:43 MSK
Ymtram · East Haven - Branford
Zdjęć: 17938 · Moderator materiałów nieautorskich / Moderator zdjęć / Redaktor ogólny / Redaktor wiadomości / Tłumaczenie strony (EN)
Many thanks for the find, as always.

I am still convinced, however, that this is a bidirectional single wire line. Satellite imagery for different years consistently show overhead support poles along the southern side of the road only in many other places of the line. Poles on the northern side just not there. The clearest image is from 11.2017 in Google Earth Pro. Even in this photo poles on the northern side are not consistent and in places are missing.
+5 / –0
14.03.2021 18:35 MSK
jiachen · Sydney
Zdjęć: 426 · Tłumaczenie strony (CN)
Quote (Yury LRTA, 15.03.2021):
> southern side

I did not notice before, but it does indeed seem the second pair of poles only has a pole on the south side. With how the system has being observed (no trolleybus before 2.2015 image yet the only trolleybus never moving after) I feel maybe this network was never even properly completed/ opened.
+0 / –0
14.03.2021 21:31 MSK
D.Möschke · Plauen
Zdjęć: 5993
This system was active and informations about them are very rare. But the system was closed in beginn of 2000s and actual no trolleybusses are exist there. There are also no trolleybus in western loop, its a service building. (but you could believe it on aerial pictures)
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+3 / –0
15.03.2021 01:27 MSK
Ymtram · East Haven - Branford
Zdjęć: 17938 · Moderator materiałów nieautorskich / Moderator zdjęć / Redaktor ogólny / Redaktor wiadomości / Tłumaczenie strony (EN)
Thanks, Daniel. I will update the Mannyol page accordingly.

Any information on the Kumgol system you can provide?

+1 / –0
15.03.2021 07:37 MSK
Gamerdgl · San Jose
Zdjęć: 66 · Redaktor ogólny / Tłumaczenie strony (FR/EN)
Is it possible that the line could possibly extend further south, to the edge of the built-up area? The road quality is bad but it there is a spot that looks like it could turn trolleybuses around!1e3
+1 / –0
15.03.2021 08:06 MSK
jiachen · Sydney
Zdjęć: 426 · Tłumaczenie strony (CN)
Quote (Gamerdgl, 15.03.2021):
> spot

Its possible, here is the furtherest west the survey team took a photo : at where you suggested.
Maybe it does go further (there are a few poles behind the sign here:, but the image is poor quality and since it was likely taken in 2006, the line might have already been partially dismantled.

As for Kumgol-dong, that area is being prioritised for reconstruction.
+1 / –0
21.03.2021 18:11 MSK
D.Möschke · Plauen
Zdjęć: 5993
Zitat (Yury LRTA, 14.03.2021):
> Thanks, Daniel. I will update the Mannyol page accordingly.
> Any information on the Kumgol system you can provide?
> Thanks.

Yes, so i write inside of STTS, that i will work at these trolleybuscities in next months. So after a lot of years catching each informations and talk in DPRK have some interesting facts. But this is a point which need time, and so it will go step by step. :-)
+1 / –0
21.03.2021 18:15 MSK
D.Möschke · Plauen
Zdjęć: 5993
Zitat (Gamerdgl, 15.03.2021):
> Is it possible that the line could possibly extend further south, to the edge of the built-up area? The road quality is bad but it there is a spot that looks like it could turn trolleybuses around

No, there was no longer track in this direction. The eastern end of this trolleybusline was in front of the cityhall. Maybe it will be a good extension, but never there was a realised trolleybustrack. (i also dont have informations about any planings)
+2 / –0

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