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Pyongyang — Miscellaneous photos; Transport articles
  PyongyangMiscellaneous photos
Transport articles
Pyongyang, Электровозостроительное объединение имени Ким Чжон Тхэ
Building a new Pulgungi-2.16
Article title: promoting the construction of tram 'Pulgungi-2.16'

Scan: Rodong Sinmun

Posté par jiachen · Sydney           Date: Jeudi 26 mai 1994


Publiée 26.11.2022 05:37 MSK
Vues — 583

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Commentaires · 2

26.11.2022 07:04 MSK
Photos: 83
Сборка Татры в Пхеньяне под своим названием?
+2 / –0
27.11.2022 13:44 MSK
jiachen · Sydney
Photos: 418 · Traduction d'interface (CN)
These are probably reverse engineered Tatra T6B5K.
There are a few noticeable differences between this tram and a Tatra (electrical equipment, no space for route - the newspaper said it blocked the driver's view).
+1 / –0

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