TransphotoTransports Électriques de Ville

Grand Paris - Versailles - Yvelines, voiture de funiculaire N°. 1

Ville:Grand Paris - Versailles - Yvelines   France
Opérateur/Dépôt:Funiculaire de Bellevue
État actuel: En opération 

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615 KB

Funiculaire de Montmartre

Serving Metro Lines 2 and 4 the split level Barbès – Rochechouart station was opened in 1903. Seen departing towards Nation station is a RATP MF 01 EMU no. 032.

Operating between the foot of Montmartre (Butte Montmartre) to its summit by the Sacré-Cœur Basilica. Originally operated by a water-driven funicular in 1900, the current system was introduced in 1991 by the Schindler Group. Two cars are in operation and work independently, allowing dual up or down operation at busy times at this major tourist site.
The Funicular is integrated into the RATP transport system and system passes/carnet tickets are valid.

Mercredi 8 août 2018
Auteur: PeluconDFW

238 KB

Musée des Transports Urbains (Saint-Mandé)

Автор фото jhm0284, опубликовано с его разрешения. Источник:

Posté par Сашко


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